30Rs of relationship marketing
1. The classic dyad – the relationship between supplier and the customer
2. The classic triad – the relationship of the customer-supplier-competitor triangle
3. The classic network – distribution
4. Relationships via full time marketers and part time marketers
5. Service encounter – interaction between customers and suppliers
6. The many-headed customer and the many-headed supplier
7. The relationship to the customer’s customer
8. The close versus distant relationships
9. The relationship to the dissatisfied customer
10. The monopoly relationship – the customer or supplier as prisoners
11. The customer as ‘member’
12. The e-relationship
13. Parasocial relationships – relationships to brand and objects
14. The non-commercial relationship
15. The green relationship and CSR
16. The law-based relationship
17. The criminal network
18. Personal and social networks
19. Mega Marketing – the real ‘customer’ is not always found in the marketplace
20. Alliances change the market mechanisms
21. The knowledge relationship
22. Mega alliances change the basic conditions for marketing
23. The mass media relationship
24. Market mechanisms are brought inside the company
25. Internal customer relationships
26. Quality and customer orientation: the relationship between operations management and marketing
27. Internal marketing: relationships with the ‘employee market’
28. The two-dimensional matrix relationship
29. The relationship to external providers of marketing service
30. The owner and financier relationship
We all have Evert Gummesson (1936-2023) to thank for this approach.