Selecting Engaged Outlets

Engaging the appropriate outlets and channels from a huge array of possibilities.
Precision and decision to assure economic campaigns.
Mainstream and niche outlets and channels, non-digital and digital.

Service Offer: Selecting Engaged Outlets

The work involves studying all the possible outlets and channels for sending, receiving or sharing, testing their effectiveness and deciding on which outlets and channels to prioritise.

Marketing campaigns that work necessarily use a blend of digital and non-digital outlets and channels. It is the combination of these outlets and channels which creates the positive impact needed to breakthrough the distractions, to get your message noticed.

And it is the orchestration of all the ‘moving parts’ in a planned, controlled and timely way which defines what Joseph Spear does best.

Setting out to win new customers requires effort and expense. When the customer is ‘net new’ to you, you will have incurred the biggest expense of all. Thankfully, your next major contract could arise through an unexpected route. A clear benefit of using a variety of outlets and channels.

Outlets Use Case: Finding Customers

Anyone familiar with ‘Marketing Ready Leads’ and ‘Sales Ready Leads’ will recognise the difference between those two. Hunting down suspects, prospects and hot prospects is rife with uncertainties. Working for businesses in the HighTech sector since 1993, Joseph Spear knows that it is never one activity but always the combination of activities that matter.

Prospecting demands a lot of flexibility and an open mind, sometimes to try new things. Navigating around the barriers is hard but not impossible.

Blending outlets and channels is essential especially when pure digital channels are saturated with ‘background noise’ common of mass emailings, telemarketing and text messages. They each have their place but only when done smartly and wisely.

It is fundamental to say but so often not the case that any relational approaches your organisation makes should always show some consistency with what is written on your website.

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