Delivering Precision Reach

Segmentation and bespoke data sets.
Sampling strategy and calculation of sample size.
List building and maintenance.

Service Offer: Delivering Precision Reach

The work involves studying target markets, quantifying the size of those target markets, evaluating the potential of those target markets and deciding which target markets to prioritise.

Some marketers use the ‘finger-in-the-wind’ approach when estimating the size and value of the market segments they plan to target (and of course Clients should wave two fingers back at them).

Refreshing to know that the segmentations and samplings for marketing campaigns by Joseph Spear are calculated and precise. Each use the relevant formula to determine the size of sample - different whether the population is large or small - as well proven formulae for margin of error, and for other key measures.

Whenever appropriate power analysis is used. But why does any of this matter?

It matters because your budgets have to work harder and because you have to be confident when reporting back on the activities taken by your organisation to reach the exact people who matter to you.

Achieving reach on one marketing campaign can be very different to achieving reach on another. Joseph Spear will decipher everything and explain in plain language all the options and any alternatives at every step along the way until your objective has been achieved.

Reach Use Case: Divestitures and Acquisitions

In a client commission spanning 2020 and 2021, Joseph Spear was asked to provide segmentation for UK registered and International organisations which might have an appetite to acquire a successful ready-made UK business. The majority Shareholders had decided to divest the business and were making preparations to attract new ownership.

Research was performed using a multiplicity of sources and inputs drawn from within the sector in which the business operates, as well as from outside the sector.

Two assets were created. First, a ‘Long List’ comprising organisations which had the financial ability to acquire the business, plus a series of other classifications and metrics which helped to determine the attractiveness of the organisation as a potential acquirer.

Following in-depth discussions with the majority Shareholders a second asset, a ‘Short List’, was generated comprising under 30 names and classifications of the organisations which, in the opinion of the majority Shareholders taking data-informed decisions, provided the best match. Together with data enrichment such as details of directors, this asset was made available to an intermediary to use during the assisted sale process.

After best and final offers were received, a beauty contest between bidders enabled the majority Shareholders to make a final decision about which organisation to divest to.

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